We use cookies to improve and personalize your experience on our website. For more information, see our Cookie Policy and Privacy Notice.



The purpose of the cookie policy is to inform visitors to the BAYTEQ website and web applications about how cookies are used and what type of information is collected. In addition, it helps protect the privacy of users by providing them with information about what data is collected and how it is used. It seeks to ensure that personal data is handled securely and complies with legal and regulatory requirements.


The cookie policy of BAYTEQ CIA LTDA (hereinafter the”Cookie Policy”) will be applicable for the BAYTEQ CIA website and web applications. LTDA. (henceforth”BAYTEQ”).


3.1 What are Cookies?

Cookies are text files that are installed on computers, mobile phones, tablets, and in general, on any mobile device that has Internet access in order to save browsing information and make the BAYTEQ website work more efficiently. In addition, cookies help us to know how the services of the BAYTEQ website are used and to provide information, if applicable, to people who use the BAYTEQ domain (https://bayteq.com/).

By means of pixels, web beacons, scripts, tags, web beacons, and in short “cookies”, the BAYTEQ website can store information about visitors and users. Among the information that can be collected is the IP address of the devices with which the BAYTEQ website is being browsed, the type of device being used and the actions that the visitor performs within the website.

3.2 What Cookies are used on the BAYTEQ WEBSITE?

Type of cookiesDescriptionDuration
Functional cookiesThese cookies allow you to navigate within the BAYTEQ website and use the tools necessary to use and access the services provided on the BAYTEQ website. By disabling this type of cookie, you will not be able to access certain features of the website.30 days
Analysis cookiesThese cookies allow us to measure and analyze the use that users make of the BAYTEQ website, applications and mobile platforms, in order to improve functionality and user experience.2 years (Google Analytics)
Personalization cookiesThese cookies will remember the preferences of visitors to the BAYTEQ website, in order to be able to adjust the experience to the needs of the users and make it more personal. These will provide the user with personalized options such as language, region or browser type.90 days
Advertising or behavioral advertising cookiesThese cookies are used to send advertising that may be of interest to users of the BAYTEQ website. In addition, these cookies limit the number of times that users see an advertisement, which allows BAYTEQ to measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaigns developed. With the information obtained through these cookies, advertising can be offered to users that may be of interest to them, based on their online behavior. This information may be transferred to companies in the group.90 days
Third-party cookiesThese are cookies that are presented to the user through a computer or domain that is not managed by the publisher, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies.Indefinite

3.3 How to configure Cookies?

Users of the BAYTEQ website can change their cookie preferences or withdraw their consent at any time within their browser settings. Cookies that were accepted at the time by users of the BAYTEQ website may remain stored in the user's browsers. In this case, and in the event that users wish to delete the installed cookies, this can be done directly in the browser. You can also adjust your browser settings to prevent web pages from installing their own or third-party cookies. In the event that cookies are deleted or modified, browsing the BAYTEQ website, its applications or platforms may not work in the correct way, or the same may not be possible.

3.4 Managing Cookies?

You can manage cookies in your browser settings. Consult your browser's help for specific instructions on how to do this.


BAYTEQ reserves the right to modify this policy, so it is necessary to consult it periodically for possible additional information. In any case, BAYTEQ will include update notifications on its website when necessary.


For more information on how BAYTEQ processes personal data, including information about the Data Controller, please enter the PRIVACY NOTICE (insert the link that leads to the PRIVACY NOTICE).


This policy will be reviewed annually to adjust it according to business needs and website publication requirements.